Leading through Uncertainty: Strategies for Advancement Professionals

I’ve been having calls nearly every day for the last several weeks with university advancement clients navigating NIH funding concerns, budget cuts, hiring freezes, and more.

Being an advancement leader has never been an easy role, but you’re not in this alone.

These challenging moments reaffirm why I made this Bold Move: to help advancement professionals lead with clarity, confidence, and compassion.

In the world and workplaces I’m working toward:

  • We bring our humanity to work.

  • We don’t have all the answers, but we commit to figuring them out together.

  • We embrace discomfort as a path to learning.

  • We have the important conversations, even when we don’t have all the words.

  • We lead with both compassion and directness.

  • We care deeply about each other.

As we navigate this moment of uncertainty—for our teams, institutions, and ourselves—lean into the strengths that make you a great advancement leader:

  • Communicate clearly and compassionately (even when you don’t have all the answers). Provide context when you can. Your team looks to you to lead the way and help them understand how to talk with donors.

  • Stay focused on your mission and values. Your institution’s purpose and your team values are your North Star. Anchor your messaging and actions in what you stand for.

  • Prioritize your team. In moments of challenge, your leadership matters more than your strategy. Check in, remind your teams of the challenges you’ve successfully navigated together before, and make space for concerns they’re hearing from institutional partners and donors while keeping momentum toward your goals.

In the ultimate AND moment for all of us, as you navigate these challenges, may you also find moments that remind you of your calling—and may you achieve more than you ever thought possible.

We can help you lead your teams through the uncertainty with clarity, confidence, and compassion, so you can maintain your fundraising momentum at a time when your organizations need it most. Message me to schedule a confidential conversation.

Shanna A. Hocking