50 Ways to Be Yourself Boldly at Work and in Life

1)    Be your own biggest fan.

2)    Ask more questions.

3)    Say what you want and need.

4)    Use your voice for good.

5)     Know that being authentic means being yourself, while understanding how you affect others.

6)    Inspire people around you by being yourself.

7)    Tell others how they inspire you.

8)    Accept that the road isn’t always clear.

9)    Find others who have your back—and tell them you have theirs, too.

10)  Don’t write the story for others.

11)  Dress up.

12)  Show your work.

13)  Set high standards—for yourself and others.

14)  Remember that perfection doesn’t exist.

15)  Allow yourself to let go of disappointment and move forward.

16)  Give generously.

17)  Show gratitude.

18)  Expect challenges.

19)  Be decisive.

20)  Negotiate.

21)  Choose kindness—especially toward yourself.

22)  Look to learn from mistakes, not avoid them altogether (that’s impossible).

23)  Handwrite notes.

24)  Embrace nuance and uncertainty.

25)  Remind yourself that you are not alone.

26)  Run toward something.

27)  Choose work that fuels you.

28)  Assume good intentions.  

29)  Stop worrying about what everyone else thinks.

30)  Keep learning.

31)  Keep going.

32)  Seek out mentors.

33)  Mentor others.

34)  Invest in yourself.

35)  Say yes to the thing that scares you.

36)  Say no to the thing that holds you back.

37)  Find joy.

38)  Keep growing.

39)  Celebrate progress.

40)  Prepare.

41)  Help others grow.

42)  Take on that challenge today, unencumbered by yesterday’s fear.

43)  Cheer yourself on.

44)  Cheer others on.

45)  Know your why.

46)  Share your accomplishments. Unabashedly.

47)  Invite a colleague to coffee, or for a walk.

48)  Pitch that big idea.

49)  Read more.

50)  Imagine future you and work in service of who you are becoming.

Be yourself boldly. The world needs you.